Rich text
Allows the integration of raw text content for analysis or exploitation in an agent.
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Allows the integration of raw text content for analysis or exploitation in an agent.
Last updated
This field is for giving a specific name to your rich text data source. This helps in identifying the connector easily within your project.
Example: You might name it "Product Description" if the text content is related to a product overview.
Text Content:
In this section, you can write or paste the rich text you want to load. The rich text editor provides various formatting options such as bold, italics, bullet points, headers, images, links, and more.
Chunk Size:
This field specifies the number of tokens or characters in each chunk of data. The default value is 1024, but you can modify it based on your needs. Adjusting the chunk size can be particularly beneficial for processing larger texts.
Example: If you are working with an extensive document, you might set the chunk size to 512 for better performance during processing.
Cost Information:
The connector provides details regarding the cost associated with importing words from the rich text.
Example: If it states "Cost per words: 0.035 tokens" and "Remaining words: 12794040199 Words," this indicates how many tokens will be charged for each word processed, alongside the words remaining for processing.