Github create file
Facilitates creating file in a Github repository.
Last updated
Facilitates creating file in a Github repository.
Last updated
Purpose: This field is for naming the skill. It serves as an identifier for the specific task.
Input Example: "Create GitHub File Skill"
Skill Function:
Purpose: This field describes the functionality of the skill, providing users with clarity on its purpose.
Input Example: "Create a file in a GitHub repository."
GitHub Personal Access Token:
Purpose: This is a security feature that requires a personal access token for authentication. It ensures that the skill has the necessary permissions to interact with the GitHub API.
How to Obtain: Users can create a personal access token from their GitHub account settings, ensuring it has the required scopes (like repo).
Input Example: "ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
GitHub Repository URL:
Purpose: This field requires the URL of the specific GitHub repository where the file will be created.
Input Example: ""