LinkedIn Share
Facilitates sharing content directly on LinkedIn from the agent.
Last updated
Facilitates sharing content directly on LinkedIn from the agent.
Last updated
This field allows you to assign a specific name to your LinkedIn sharing skill, helping you identify it within your AI agent.
Example: You might name it "LinkedIn Share" to clearly denote its function.
Connect Your LinkedIn Account:
This button allows users to connect their LinkedIn account to the AI agent. This connection is essential for the skill to function, as it enables the agent to post updates directly to the user’s LinkedIn profile.
Users will need to authenticate and grant permissions for the AI agent to interact with their LinkedIn account.
Skill Function:
This field is for describing what the skill does. A clear description helps users understand the capabilities of the skill.
Example: You might write:
Imagine you are developing an AI assistant for a marketing team that wants to promote their blog posts and company achievements on LinkedIn. Here’s how you could set it up:
Set this to "LinkedIn Share".
Connect Your LinkedIn Account:
Users would click this button to authenticate and connect their accounts.
Skill Function:
Describe the skill as:
Once integrated and connected to a LinkedIn account, this skill allows the AI agent to share content on behalf of the user.
For example, if a user inputs, "Share the latest blog post on LinkedIn," the AI agent can automatically format the content and post it to the user's LinkedIn profile.
This functionality streamlines the process of sharing important updates, making it easier for users to maintain an active presence on LinkedIn.