Extracts and analyzes audio or text content from YouTube videos.
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Extracts and analyzes audio or text content from YouTube videos.
Last updated
This field allows you to assign a specific name to your YouTube data source, making it easier to identify within your project.
Example: You could name it "Educational Video Data" if the videos you are importing are focused on educational content.
YouTube URLs:
In this section, you enter the URLs of the YouTube videos you want to load. You can enter multiple URLs, separating them with commas. This allows you to aggregate data from various sources in one go.
Chunk Size:
This field specifies the number of tokens or characters in each chunk of imported data. The default is set to 1024, but you can modify it to suit your needs. Adjusting the chunk size can help optimize the processing of larger video data.
Example: If you are dealing with very lengthy video transcriptions, you might reduce the chunk size to 512 for better performance.
Cost Information:
This section provides details about the cost associated with importing words from the specified YouTube videos.
Example: If it states "Cost per words: 0.035 tokens" and "Remaining words: 127940199 Words," this indicates how many tokens will be charged for each word processed and the total number of words remaining for processing.