SQL Database
Ensures a connection to an entire SQL database to query and process its data.
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Ensures a connection to an entire SQL database to query and process its data.
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This field allows you to assign a specific name to your SQL database connection, making it easier to identify within your project.
Example: You might name it "Customer Database" if the SQL database contains customer-related information.
This field is for specifying the database connection URI. The format typically follows these examples:
For MySQL: mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydb
For PostgreSQL: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb
Example: If your database is hosted on your local machine with user credentials, you might enter: mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/mydatabase
Cost Information:
This section provides details about the cost associated with importing words from the specified SQL database.
Example: If it states "Cost per words: 0.035 tokens" and "Remaining words: 1279900685 Words," this indicates how many tokens will be charged for each word processed and the total number of words remaining for processing.