Retriever data from external sources
Retrieves data from external sources to enrich the agent's knowledge.
Last updated
Retrieves data from external sources to enrich the agent's knowledge.
Last updated
Skill Name:
This field allows you to assign a specific name to your retriever skill, helping you identify it within your AI agent.
Example: You might name it "External Data Retriever" to indicate its function clearly.
Retriever Skill Description:
This field is for describing when and how the AI agent should use this skill to retrieve information from the attached data sources. A clear description assists users in understanding the skill's purpose and application.
Example: You might write:
Knowledge Sources:
This section allows you to select the appropriate knowledge sources from which the agent can retrieve information. You can attach one or more data sources relevant to the skill.
Example: If you have a data source connected to your company’s database and an API that provides market trends, you would select those as your knowledge sources.